How Often Should I Get a Massage?
February 10, 2023 | Natanya Knauf, LMT
TLDR: Talk to your therapist. Listen to your body.
Massage is more than a pamper treatment
At the very least, every type of massage you'll receive increases your circulation. Increased circulation boosts immune responses, promotes cell growth, helps healthy function of organs and muscles, and regulates hormones. Specifically, studies show it causes an increase in serotonin and oxytocin, as well as a reduction of cortisol. This lowers stress and anxiety, and increases focus.
Different modalities have different rules
While getting a relaxation massage every day would be great for your health (ugh, doesn't that sound amazing??), not all types of massage are appropriate to receive any time for anyone. Health factors can rule out certain modalities, but even clients with no diagnoses can get overworked. It’s very important to communicate with your therapist: disclose all medical information, and make sure you tell your therapist what works for you both during and after your sessions.
Some questions to consider:
What is my goal for receiving massage therapy? Is it primarily for mental or physical effects?
What prompts me to schedule my next appointment? Do I notice stiffness and discomfort if I don’t receive massages every “X” number of weeks, or do I only schedule appointments after an event in my life, like an injury or stressful week?
If receiving therapeutic work, would I describe the treatment as “uncomfortable” or “painful” while I’m on the table?**
If I’m sore after my appointment, when does it begin and how long does it last? Does it go away quickly with proper hydration, heat, and/or light stretches?**
How long do the positive effects of the massage last? What healthy habits can I cultivate to increase that time?
**Do I have healthy communication with my therapist? Am I comfortable asking for more or less pressure, or requesting more work be done in a certain area? Does my therapist receive my feedback well and immediately adjust the massage?
Making your wellness a priority
Whether because of time or budget, it can be hard to commit to regular massage. But there are options! Shortened sessions may allow you to get massages more frequently, or your therapist might be able to connect you with other resources, so you don't need to come in as often. Some businesses have membership or gift certificate discounts - don’t be afraid to ask your therapist for ideas!
But really, Natanya, how often should I get a massage?
I typically recommend my new clients start with a monthly maintenance routine, and then see how their bodies direct them from there. I have clients with chronic health conditions that come in for 90 minutes every week for symptom management, and clients who come in for an hour every few months (those clients tend to do a lot of yoga). Communicate with your therapist to create the best treatment plan for you, and then adjust as needed. As long as you’re listening to your body, you're doing it "right."
Still reading?? Get out there and live your best life! I know you've got it in you.
Natanya, LMT
Additional Reading:
Can Massage Therapy Enhance Mental Health? (
Massage: Get in touch with its many benefits - Mayo Clinic
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